双录取 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载州立大学



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冰球突破豪华版游戏下载's 双录取 program is open to high school students who are academically ready to take advanced college courses while still working towards a high school diploma.

Students are considered college students 和 must abide by the same college course prerequisites, 相关课程费用, 以及大学的政策和学术规定. 这种高等教育途径允许学术进步, 严格的课程, 以及高等教育中的职业探索.


  • 为即将进入大学的高中生扩大学术选择. 
  • Provides a transitional stage for students to ease into more rigorous academic expectations while remaining in small class sizes 和 while still living at home.
  • Shortens the time required to complete a certificate, associates, or bachelor degree program. It is possible to complete the first year of required undergraduate courses during two high school years.
  • Delivers a substantial savings for both parents 和 students through both reduced tuition costs in addition to other college expenses.
  • Enables students of various learning styles to take courses taught either on 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 campus, 他/她的高中校园, 在线, 或通过国家ITV/IVN通信系统.
  • 允许一个成功的开始获得高等教育


Area high schools work collaboratively with 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 to provide advanced college courses for students at their schools. 当高中管理者也将这些课程计入高中学分时, 学生可以额外获得高中毕业学分. All courses are college courses; however, 他们可以在经过认可的冰球突破豪华版游戏下载教练的高中上课, 通过远程教育授课, 或者在冰球突破豪华版游戏下载校园. The College only issues college course credit 和 sends copies of course grades to the student's requested high school.

1. 申请提前入学.
选择“创建帐户”. 一旦你的账户被正式创建, 您将能够登录并开始申请入学. 提前入学的学生应选择他们的专业/课程为非学位. Once your application has been submitted, it will take 1-2 business days for processing. 一旦处理,双学分学生持有将放置在您的帐户上. This will only prevent the student from adding or dropping courses themselves as 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 enrolls the student.

2. 填写提前报名表格.
不完整的表格将不被接受. Please fill out the form 和 return it to Williston State College by the deadline stated on the form. 3. 要求你的 校园接驳户口.
You should receive an email with directions on how to claim your 校园连接 account within 7 days of applying. This email will also include your EMPLID (学生证 number) which is needed to complete this. 这一步对于在线、IVN或冰球突破豪华版游戏下载校园上课的学生来说非常重要. 如果您需要在这7天窗口之前获得EMPLID,请发送电子邮件给wsc.admission@776kingston.com. 

4. 设置你的 学生的电子邮件.
Once you are enrolled, 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 faculty 和 staff will only respond to emails through your student email.

5. 访问 黑板上.
冰球突破豪华版游戏下载使用黑板上进行IVN,在线和一些校园课程. 您的登录将与您的校园连接帐户相同. 在本学期第一天下午4点之前,黑板上不会有课程. 如果你上的是在线课程, 你必须在第一周设置好你的账户并登录到黑板上. 如果你不这样做,你就会被当作旷课者开除.

如果你计划参加数学或英语课程,ACT/SAT或 分级考试 将是必需的. 你的高中可以把你的ACT或SAT成绩寄过来. 如果你没有参加过分班考试, 点击“分班测试链接”了解如何参加我们的考试. 您也可以在本页找到我们的分班考试指南.

如果你计划参加冰球突破豪华版游戏下载校园课程, 我们将需要您的免疫记录副本,包括以下疫苗或我们的疫苗 豁免免疫申请表格 填写:

  • Two doses of the measles, mumps, 和 rubella (MMR) vaccine for students born after 01/01/1957.
  • One dose of the meningococcal vaccine after the age of 16 for all students 21 和 under.
提前入学学生 are charged for courses they enroll in through Williston State College.

早期入学课程的补贴价格为89美元.每学时43美元. 3学分的课程是268美元.29. Courses being taught at a high school by a high school instructor would fall under this cost.

提前入学课程的无补贴学费为159美元.每学分96元. 3学分的课程是461美元.88. Courses being taught online, through ITV, or on 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载's campus would fall under this cost. 

提前入学账单在学期的第五周发送. 在所有注册处理完成后,手动调整这些帐户. 请等到这个时候再付账. Paper bills are sent to these students as all students 不 have to set up their student email. 提前入学学生 由于此时账单还没有调整,所以必须在付款截止日期前付款. 有关付款方式的资料,请参阅 点击这里.  
如果你之前修过双学分课程,你不需要在网上重新申请. 您将按照下面的步骤进行操作.

1. 完成 提早报名表格.
不完整的表格将不被接受. 表格可以交给你的高中辅导员,传真到701.774.4211或电邮至 wsc.earlyentry@776kingston.com.

2. 检查您的校园连接帐户是否有任何阻止注册的保留.
  • 拖欠帐户
    • 这意味着学生有过期的账单. 这必须在注册下一个学期之前支付. 请查看付款选项 点击这里.
  • 意识教育要求
    • 在你入学的第一个学期之后,这个保留会持续下去. 学生必须完成性暴力预防项目. This is a federal requirement 和 it must be taken care of prior to your enrollment being processed for a future semester. 进入性暴力预防计划,请 点击这里. 您需要您的EMPLID来完成验证过程. 如果你不知道你的EMPLID,请发邮件给wsc.admission@776kingston.com. 

如果你计划参加数学或英语课程,ACT/SAT或 分级考试 将是必需的. 你的高中可以把你的ACT或SAT成绩寄过来. 如果你没有参加过分班考试, 点击“分班测试链接”了解如何参加我们的考试. 您也可以在本页找到我们的分班考试指南.

如果你计划参加冰球突破豪华版游戏下载校园课程, 我们将需要您的免疫记录副本,包括以下疫苗或我们的疫苗 豁免免疫申请表格 填写:

  • Two doses of the measles, mumps, 和 rubella (MMR) vaccine for students born after 01/01/1957.
  • One dose of the meningococcal vaccine after the age of 16 for all students 21 和 under.
If you are dropping all or just one of your early entry courses, please click on the link below. 请确保你正在看我们的 重要的日期或截止日期 因为这可能会影响你的课程成本. 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载确实有提前入学的学生在退课时必须遵循的日期. 特定的退学日期会导致学生所欠的比例不同. 你也可能会收到一个“W”的课程,这取决于放弃的日期.


提前入学的学生自己负责获取和支付图书费用. 你可以浏览 书店 网站在线订购你的书. 如果学生不住在这个地区,他们可以把它们运来. 你也可以安排接送的时间.

如果你的父母或法定监护人会来取你的书, 要么你需要和他在一起,要么你需要发邮件 wsc.bookstore@776kingston.com 让他们知道是谁来接他们. 他们需要一个有效的带照片的身份证件来取这些书. Information on how to order books is listed on their site as well as important textbook information. 在此过程中,请遵循他们的政策和程序.
通过在线提供冰球突破豪华版游戏下载的早期入学课程, 通过IVN, 在冰球突破豪华版游戏下载校园, 甚至在高中就为你的学生打开了一个潜在的机会.

学生是否有兴趣参加 通识教育要求转学协议(GERTA) 课程或有兴趣参加课程以获得证书或副学士学位, we work with your school to establish educational opportunities that enrich the academic levels of all students at a fraction of regular tuition costs.

有资格参加提前入学课程的学生, 他们一定是大二学生, 大三还是大四. 有关资格的详情,请参阅 NDUS程序402.3.2.


课程问题? 请联络wsc.earlyentry@willistonstate.Edu或701.774.4202.
冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 follows the NDUS guidelines for hiring all adjunct professors to teach college courses. 如果你有兴趣成为我们教学社区的一员, 请将简历和非正式成绩单寄给扩展学习主任. We look forward to working with you to develop incredible opportunities for both you 和 your students.
  • Work with their faculty mentor to create a syllabus that meets all of 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载's syllabus requirements.
  • 教师将把经批准的教学大纲分发给学生.
  • 及时回应导师的沟通.
  • Check their roster in 校园连接 to ensure all students have been officially enrolled.
  • 在学期末提交成绩.
  • 遵守FERPA.
  • 参加年度专业发展.参与冰球突破豪华版游戏下载的早期进入电子调查



Below students will find financial support options that may help them on their academic journey.

This scholarship rewards college students for taking dual-credit coursework as a high school student.  资格, 学生必须符合资格标准, 完成新墨西哥州大学系统(NDUS)申请, 并提供所有支持文件. 想了解更多关于NDUS双学分学费冰球突破试玩官方网站的信息吗? 点击这里.


  1. 成为北达科他州居民
  2. 从这个州的高中毕业吗, 或受州法律管辖的边境州的高中(N.D.C.C. 15.1-29),或有 graduated from a nonpublic high school in a bordering state while residing with a custodial parent in this state, 或已完成N .家庭教育项目.D.C.C. 15.1-23, 
  3. 已修毕至少一门双学分课程 由NDUS机构提供 在参加高中或家庭教育项目时, 
  4. 现就读于北达科他州某高等院校; 
  5. 已经完成至少一个学期, 在州内高等教育机构的一个季度或一个学期.
多丽丝·马库冰球突破试玩官方网站 (First State Bank)- Any student attending Williston State College for Dual Credit may be considered. Each applicant must have had a “C” average or better scholastic st和ing during high school 和/or college 和 evidence of a general aptitude for higher learning. 申请人必须符合冰球突破豪华版游戏下载州立学院的入学要求. 冰球突破试玩官方网站以学期为单位发放, so recipients will need to complete an application for each semester that they attend Williston State College. 将优先考虑进入教育领域的学生. 
The 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载双学分/提前入学冰球突破试玩官方网站 is aimed at providing financial support to students who have demonstrated outst和ing commitment to their education through participation in our dual-credit 和 early-entry programs


The 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载双学分/提前入学冰球突破试玩官方网站 has been designed to refund all out-of-pocket costs incurred by eligible students for tuition related to dual-credit or early-entry courses after any scholarships, 豁免, 和/或第三方付款. This initiative is a testament to 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载's commitment to fostering academic excellence 和 supporting the educational journey of our students.


申请时,请填写申请表 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载双学分/提前入学申请 和 submit the completed application with all supporting documentation to the 金融援助 office located in Stevens Hall – 学生服务 (Rm. 105)或电邮至冰球突破豪华版游戏下载.financialaid@776kingston.com或邮寄至冰球突破豪华版游戏下载州立学院,1410大学大道.,地址:金融援助,冰球突破豪华版游戏下载,58801. 
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